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NHA Rewards

Earn points to exchange them for vouchers

  1. 01

    Sign Up

    Sign up to benefit from our rewards scheme.

  2. 02

    Earn Points

    Earn points by signing up to the site and by placing orders.

  3. 03

    Redeem Rewards

    Redeem points for various discounts.

Program tiers

Reach new tiers as you earn more points.

  1. Member

    0 total earned points required


    Earn Points

    • Purchase a product

      Get 1 point for every £1 spent

    • Sign Up

      Get 50 points

    Redeem Rewards

    • 2% off your order! 🌟

      125 Points = 2% off for all store products

    • 5% off your order! 🌟

      250 Points = 5% off for all store products

    • 10% off your order! 🌟

      500 Points = 10% off for all store products

  2. VIP

    500 total earned points required

    HAVE 1000 POINTS

    Earn Points

    • Purchase a product

      Get 1 point for every £1 spent

    • Sign Up

      Get 50 points

    Redeem Rewards

    • 2% off your order! 🌟

      112 Points = 4% off for all store products

    • 5% off your order! 🌟

      225 Points = 10% off for all store products

    • 10% off your order! 🌟

      450 Points = 20% off for all store products

  3. Icon

    2,000 total earned points required

    HAVE 2000 POINTS

    Earn Points

    • Purchase a product

      Get 5 points for every £1 spent

    • Sign Up

      Get 50 points

    Redeem Rewards

    • 2% off your order! 🌟

      100 Points = 6% off for all store products

    • 5% off your order! 🌟

      200 Points = 15% off for all store products

    • 10% off your order! 🌟

      400 Points = 30% off for all store products